Looking for local horse riding area, stables, riding lessons, riding trails, shows, horse-related events and horse resources in Western Maryland? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Western Maryland, sorted by county.
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Updates for March 2025
March There's something happening all year round.
Horse-related Listings, by county
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Allegany County
Garrett County
Pleasant Valley Dream Rides - carriage rides,
hayrides, winter sleigh rides, wedding carriages
Pleasant Valley Road, Oakland, MD 21550. Phone: 301-334-1688.
dreamrides@pleasantvalleydreamrides.com. Open: All year for
various, season and weather appropriate carriage rides, hay
rides, sleigh rides, etc; Milking at 4 00AM and 4:00PM Daily.
Directions: Our farm is a short scenic drive from the Deep Creek
Lake Resort Area. Travel time is about 20 minutes. Go to Oakland
and follow 219 3 Miles South of Oakland, Turn Left On Paul
Friend Road.Proceed One Mile To Pleasant Valley Road, and Turn
Right.Watch For Duntrussen Farm, Pleasant Valley Dream Rides
Located on the First Farm on The Right. Duntrussen Holstein and
Pleasant Valley Dream Rides. Take a step back in time by
enjoying a carriage or winter sleigh ride through the
countryside of Pleasant Valley. Enjoy a tractor drawn hayride or
tour the dairy farm - Duntrussen Holsteins LLC. Experience
hands-on milking, machine milking and give a calf milk with a
bottle Pleasant Valley is the backdrop for your horse drawn tour
of the Miller Family Farm, and the stables of our horse drawn
wedding carriages and funeral hearse. Take a winter sleigh ride
or a horse drawn carriage ride and enjoy the pastoral mountain
beauty of this Amish community. Tour the agricultural facilities
and learn about daily life on an Amish dairy farm. Educational
hands-on experiences are included. Be sure to ask Ray about the
name of his farm, Duntrussen Holstein LLC. Truly an enjoyable,
educational experience for both the young or young at heart Any
Time of the Year! Enjoy a western Maryland Family Activity you
will remember for a long time. We also offer Travelling Horse
Drawn Wedding Carriage
Services for Maryland, Pennsylvannia
and West Virginia.
Washington County