Looking for local horse riding area, stables, riding lessons, riding trails, shows, horse-related events and horse resources in Coastal Washington State? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Coastal Washington State, sorted by county.
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Updates for March 2025
March There's something happening all year round.
Horse-related Listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Clallam County
Grays Harbor County
Dew Acres - stables, trails, boarding
64 Geissler
Road, Montesano, WA. Phone: (360) 249-5086. Email:
dewacres@hotmail.com. Horse-boarding facility with hay, pasture & training
available. Open year-round. Call for hours. Delivery available.
Directions: take the Devonshire Rd. exit west of Montesano. Go
2.5 miles north on Wynoochee Valley Rd. Turn left on Geissler
Rd.; go approx. 3/4 miles, 2nd place on right. With our covered
arena and 65 acres of riding fields we intend on becoming one of
western Washington's premier boarding facilities. We are
continually a work in progress and at present are completing our
fourth boarding alley. Also in the works are individual paddocks
for each stall, four large group pastures, and a 300x300 outdoor
gaming arena. This spring we will add a 50ft round pen and with
3 persons on board who are interested in training riders and
horses we can meet all of your needs. We are also beginning this
summer, a mile long timbered riverside trail ride.
Jefferson County
Pacific County
Wahkiakum County