Looking for local horse riding area, stables, riding lessons, riding trails, shows, horse-related events and horse resources in Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, sorted by county.
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Horse-related Listings, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Berkeley County
Grant County
Hampshire County
Capon Crossing Farm Market -
Uses natural growing practices, Horse trails
(guided), Cattle drive adventures, Tent camping, horses allowed,
Beautiful rural setting, Mountain views, Cattle ranch, Hiking
trails, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road, children
welcome, No pets please, Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh
Hc 64 Box 232 A, Wardensville, WV 26851. Phone:
540-664-4219. Alternate Phone: 304-874-3462. Email:
caponcrossing@aol.com. Open: We are open all year; Our hours
are basically daylight hours as the market is on a working
cattle farm and will always have someone here to assist.
Directions: 5 miles North of Wardensville, WV on 259, or, 17
miles from Route 50 on 259. 2 miles from Capon Springs Road
toward Wardensville.
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment:
Cash, Check, Visa/MasterCard. Bluegrass Band can be booked for
occasions on and off the farm, depending upon availability.
Hardy County
Jefferson County
Mineral County
Morgan County
Pendleton County